About Us

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Lewis Grading & Paving, Inc. is dedicated to preserving the art of grading without the assistance of GPS and continues to bestow that art to future generations. Ray Lewis Construction was founded in the early 1950’s by its namesake who was looking to diversify his income and move away from solely farming.

In 1991, the company incorporated and adopted the name, Lewis Grading & Paving, Inc. to more encompass its scope of work. At the time of incorporation, ownership was transferred to Ray’s son, Robbie, who has been working since he was a sophomore in high school.

Lewis Grading & Paving, Inc. is truly a family owned and operated business with the third and fourth generations actively involved in the company on every level.

The current president and majority owner of Lewis Grading & Paving, Inc. is Cathy Lewis, who’s humble beginnings with Ray Lewis Construction saw her working as a secretary and moving up through the ranks. She is never one to shy away from a challenge and when the crew is short-handed she can be found running equipment and checking grade; although her talents are best utilized with her at the helm steering the company and keeping it on course.